Lunchtime Arrangements

School Meals

All children Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal under the government initiative introduced in September 2014.

Parents may request a hot cooked or a cold packed school meal for their child.

The food is prepared on site in our own kitchen by staff employed by The Contract Dining Company.  The cooks will liaise with parents to cater for any individual dietary requirements.

A small minority of parents prefer to send their child with a packed lunch from home. In the interest of safety, we ask that you do not send in hot drinks or breakable containers.

We encourage all our children to eat healthily.

View our menu here

Lunch Menu - November 2024 to March 2025

The Contract Dining Company as a company, is committed to working with parents where a child has an allergy or food intolerance. The forms you require can be accessed here:

The Contract Dining Company Welcome Letter

The Contract Dining Company Special Diets Letter

Special Diets Form

Snacks for morning break

Crest Infant School is committed to developing children’s awareness of healthy eating and we have achieved the Healthy Schools Standard. We provide fruit and vegetables through the government scheme for the children to eat at break time each day.

We do not allow chocolate, sweets or crisps for the children’s morning snack as these can be bad for their teeth and do not encourage healthy eating habits.

We ask that children have a water bottle in school each day. This should be filled with water at home and brought to school each day. There are water coolers in school so the children can refill their bottles should they need to as they are encouraged to drink from their water bottles throughout the day. If other drinks, such as juices are brought into school, these are restricted to playtimes and lunchtimes. Please note that we have a ‘no nuts’ policy in school.