
Crest Infant & Nursery School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school. All concerns are passed through the members of staff who are trained as “Designated Safeguarding Leads” in school in compliance with the “Keeping Children Safe in Education” (latest version, September 2023) guidance.

You can read our Whole School Safeguarding Policy in our Important Policies section.

What to do if you are worried about a child…

If you have any concerns about the welfare and safety of a pupil at Crest, you should alert your concerns to a member of staff who will pass these on to the Designated Safeguard Lead as appropriate.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL); Kerry Seales (Head teacher) Telephone No. 01634 844127

Deputy DSLs; Karen Munson (Deputy Head teacher)  and Laura Jones (Deputy Head teacher) Telephone No. 01634 844127

Louise Coniam (Home School Support Worker) Telephone No. 01634 844127

or email to with a request for a DSL to contact you.

DSL Poster - please click on the link for more information on our DSL's. 

If you think a child is at immediate risk of harm phone 999.
Medway’s First Response service

Members of the public and professionals can use our referral and contact form to report any safeguarding concerns about a child or young person.

Once the form has been submitted, it will be reviewed and assessed and action will be taken.

Report a child safeguarding concern

Report an adult safeguarding concern

You can also phone 01634 334466 or our 24 hour emergency number 0300 041 9191.

If you have concerns about a child you can also phone:

  • NSPCC on 0808 800 5000
  • Child Line on 0800 1111
  • Medway Police on 01622 690690
  • Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO); Telephone No. 01634 331307 admin: 01634 331065

Additional links:

In the best interests of all our children we use the following safeguarding measures:

Cause for Concern

Staff members are asked to report any causes for concern to the DSL (or Deputy DSL in her absence) using a written proforma (securely online using CPOMS). Any concerns will be shared with parents as early as possible as more often than not there are extremely reasonable explanations for the concern. Concerns may range from children being visibly upset to persistent lateness to children ‘disclosing’ concerns.


All lateness and absences are recorded by the Attendance Officer. Reasons will be sought for all absence or lateness. Attendance is monitored through these systems and referrals to the Safeguarding Team can be made. Parents will always be informed of concerns around attendance at the earliest point. If attendance concerns continue the school will refer to the Education Welfare Officer.

If a child leaves our school and we are not informed of a receiving school, we will follow the government procedures and report the child as ‘missing in education’.

Online Safety

We support our students’ use of the internet and seek to underpin their knowledge of safe use and protection. We provide our students with an awareness of how to stay safe online both in the school environment. Regular parent workshops are planned to support families.

Please see our online safety page for more details and for tips to keep you and your family safe online.

Prevent is a government strategy with the aim of reducing the likelihood of young people becoming radicalised and then engaging in any form of violent extremism. You can find out more by following the link below

Prevent for Primary Schools

Parent Pamphlet on the Prevent Strategy