Our Governing Body

Who are we and what do we do?

We are a team of volunteers (comprised of staff, parents and community representatives) who work closely with the Headteacher to make key strategic decisions to ensure the successful running of the school, that standards of achievement are raised to make decisions on the school budget and staffing.  Our most important job, of course, is to make sure that pupils are getting the best education possible.

How can we be contacted?

The Governing Body (including the Chair) can be contacted via the school office.

The Governing Body meets regularly and the minutes of their meetings are available via the school office should anyone wish to see them.


Name Role Type of Governor Appointing Body Term of Office Notable Business Interests
Kerry Seales  Headteacher Headteacher Ex-officio N/A 01/09/21 onwards Employee
Neil Charlwood

Chair of Governors

Attendance, EAL, Inclusion, Safeguarding, SEND, Quality of Education

Co-opted Governor Governing Body 10/07/2023-09/07/2027 None
Stephanie Cesana PE & Sports Premium, Pupil Premium, School Council, Quality of Education Co-opted Governor Governing Body 15/03/2023 - 14/03/2027 None
Martin Forbes Lead for Early Years, Quality of Education Parent Governor Parent elected 21/02/2022 – 20/02/2026 Owner of MFSE, school’s breakfast and after school club and sports provision.
Sarah Ring   Co-opted Governor Governing Body 17/04/2024-16/04/2028 Early Years Lead at Joydens Wood Infant School 
Shaneen Webb   Staff Governor Staff elected 21/02/2024-20/02/2028 None
Chris Gibbs   Parent Governor Parent elected 13/03/2024-12/03/2028 None


Governing Body Meetings

Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings take place usually four times a year during which the business of the school is discussed. Each meeting contains detailed information about the standards and achievements of the pupils (including a breakdown of vulnerable groups); safeguarding; financial management; health & safety; staffing and professional development. The FGB monitor, review and challenge pupil progress and attainment data and provide strategic oversight of the delivery of the school curriculum. The FGB monitors the School Improvement Plan at each meeting, evaluating the strategic development of the school. The Governing Body also timetables in the opportunity for subject leaders and members of the Senior Team to provide information about the areas of responsibility they hold.


 Academic Year 2022/2023

Governor Attendance 2022-2023

Academic Year 2023/2024

Governor Attendance 2023-2024


Governing Body Profiles:


Neil Charlwood - Chair of Governors

Neil has two young children, both of whom have attended Crest. Neil works in the health sector and was interested in becoming a governor as he could see how committed the staff team are at the school. Neil currently leads on English and School Council. He thoroughly enjoyed attending a Council meeting just before the COVID-19 pandemic started and is looking forward to when he can do so again.

Stephanie Cesana - Vice Chair of Governors


awaiting information



Martin Forbes

Martin is the one of the newest members of the governing body and has had a connection with the school for a few of years through his company MFSE, who provide the wraparound care for Crest Infants and Nursery School.  Martin is a Parent Governor and his daughter joined the school in 2021. 

Sarah Ring

awaiting information


Christopher Gibbs 

I became a parent governor in April 2024 having spent 16 years teaching in local secondary schools and holding a range of pastoral, curriculum and leadership roles.  I chose to become a governor as I have a keen sense of community and feel I have a lot to offer the role from a parental, educational and community perspective having lived and worked in Medway for over 40 years.  I currently work for a local teacher training provider and spend my days training the next generation of Kent’s teachers.  I am married to my wonderful wife and my daughter is currently in Year R and has loved her first year at Crest.   

Shaneen Webb

Many years ago I attended this school as a child and in 2008 my eldest daughter started in Reception. I then volunteered as a parent helper in Reception and Nursery. Within a few weeks I was asked to do a Teaching Assistant course. I qualified and in September 2009 I was employed as a classroom teaching assistant and working 1-1 with a child with special needs. Since then I have gone on to become a higher-level teaching assistant and also a forest school leader. I have a great passion for the school and a good relationship with the children and the parents. I have been interested in becoming a school governor to support the school, children, and the staff within the setting. I feel I have a lot to offer to the school and the community.