Online Safety
Follow the rules above for a safe time on the internet.
The safety of all pupils, staff, parents and governors is paramount at Crest Infant & Nursery School. This is safety in the real world and online. If you are concerned or worried about anything online then please come and speak to the us or click on the CEOP button to look for support, help or report abuse.
Our children are taught how to keep themselves safe online as part of our computing curriculum but also throughout the curriculum as a whole.
Links for Parents/Carers:
Thinkuknow (online safety activities for different age groups)
Reporting concerns:
Links for Children:
Childnet – Smartie the Penguin Activities
Childnet – Digiducks Big Decision
Thinkuknow – Wendon Grid for Learning) ParentSafe Portallcome to Hector’s World